Reminder, Keep Falling Leaves and Debris Off Your Car.
Recently the leaves seemed to fall all at once. This email is a reminder to keep the leaves, twigs, dead bugs and other road debris off your car especially right below your windshield.
This debris can over time can work its way into your vehicle's air system impacting the quality of the air you breath and possibly into the evaporator core which is part of you air conditioning system.
Now this doesn’t sound that awful until your evaporator core goes out. OUCH no A/C and a major repair depending on your vehicle that will cost between $2800 - $5000. YIKES !!! That's not the only reason the evaporator core will go out but why take the chance.
One more thing to keep in mind is to have your cabin filter checked and changed regularly.
We thank you and may your holidays be filled with fun, food, family, friends and be the best ever.
Closed Monday December 24th and Tuesday 25th for the Christmas Holiday
Closed Tuesday January 1st for New Years Day
Below is what the repair looks like when you have to get a new a/c evaporator core.