Keeping Your Cool with ToyoTechs Air Conditioning Service
With the temperature running in the 90’s the last place you want to be is sitting in traffic with an air conditioner that is not functioning properly. To help avoid this situation ToyoTechs recommends having your air conditioning checked on an annual basis to make sure it's functioning at a peak performance. Our Master Technicians have all the latest diagnostic equipment to find and repair any air conditioning issue you may have with your vehicle.
When you come in for an air conditioning inspection or service ToyoTechs will complete the following:
- Inspect the air conditioning cooling ability
- Check the refrigerant level and pressure
- Overall visual inspection
- Examine all A/C and cooling system hoses for cuts, abrasion, weak spots, and signs of leakage
- If your system is low on refrigerant a dye test will be performed to find the source of the leak.
- Replace broken and worn out parts
- Add refrigerant as needed
Keeping you cool is a top priority during these hot summer months.
Regular preventive maintenance is probably the single thing you can do as a car owner to keep your car running and save money on repairs in the future.
Below Master Technician Jeff Newsome is removing the evaporator core of the A/C system.